COVID-19 Would Make an Interesting Computer Game
While some of us are in lockdown, or voluntarily self-isolating, let’s use the opportunity to think about COVID-19 from a game perspective
COVID-19 Would Make an Interesting Computer Game Read More »
While some of us are in lockdown, or voluntarily self-isolating, let’s use the opportunity to think about COVID-19 from a game perspective
COVID-19 Would Make an Interesting Computer Game Read More »
I was in middle school, had just learned to program, and wanted to make a puzzle game.
Coming up with ideas for games is hard. That’s one of the wonderful things about restrictive game jams, you get a set of criteria and you need to work within it. Sometimes it really helps and some super interesting things can come out of it.
But other times you want to sit down and come up with something. And that’s hard. I’ve sat around and thought up many different ideas that I never did anything with, so I’ve dusted off the old notebooks and I’m writing them up here in the hopes that someone, somewhere, takes one of these ideas, turns it into a game, makes a billion dollars and splits it with me.
I’m kidding, they’re free. Take them, make them, suceed.
In the forums I visit there’s a lot of people asking “can you make a game on your own”. Inevitably, the answer is yes, no, and it depends. All of these answers are correct in their own ways, and that’s confusing and unhelpful.
The very first thing that I learnt, and what many people will learn first, about the games industry is the sheer amount of roles that make up a team. Strangely enough, that’s not something that many people will be aware of until they reach university or college – and, in many ways, it’s almost too late.
Whether you’re a new student of game design and development, a hobbyist looking to expand the scope of their project or an experienced developer refining their skills: these are tools that every dev needs to know, whether it’s because they can save you time, money, both or they are more beginner-friendly than the alternatives. This article will cover both 3D and 2D games, as well as a variety of Engines.
There’s a couple of different ways to name this type of music, but the one that I think captures it all is “safe-zone”. Whether you’re in town (for an RPG), or on a save-screen (in a metroidvania); you’re safe. You cannot be harmed here. The best way to give this message to the player, is