Code: Select all
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <type_traits>
#define alCall(function, ...) alCallImpl(__FILE__, __LINE__, function, __VA_ARGS__)
bool check_al_errors(const std::string& filename, const std::uint_fast32_t line)
ALenum error = alGetError();
if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
std::cerr << "***ERROR*** (" << filename << ": " << line << ")\n";
switch (error)
std::cerr << "AL_INVALID_NAME: a bad name (ID) was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "AL_INVALID_ENUM: an invalid enum value was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "AL_INVALID_VALUE: an invalid value was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "AL_INVALID_OPERATION: the requested operation is not valid";
std::cerr << "AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: the requested operation resulted in OpenAL running out of memory";
std::cerr << "UNKNOWN AL ERROR: " << error;
std::cerr << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
template<typename alFunction, typename... Params>
auto alCallImpl(const char* filename,
const std::uint_fast32_t line,
alFunction function,
Params... params)
->typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<void, decltype(function(params...))>, decltype(function(params...))>
auto ret = function(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
check_al_errors(filename, line);
return ret;
template<typename alcFunction, typename... Params>
auto alCallImpl(const char* filename,
const std::uint_fast32_t line,
alcFunction function,
ALCdevice* device,
Params... params)
->typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, decltype(function(params...))>, bool>
return check_alc_errors(filename, line, device);
#define alcCall(function, device, ...) alcCallImpl(__FILE__, __LINE__, function, device, __VA_ARGS__)
bool check_alc_errors(const std::string& filename, const std::uint_fast32_t line, ALCdevice* device)
ALCenum error = alcGetError(device);
if (error != ALC_NO_ERROR)
std::cerr << "***ERROR*** (" << filename << ": " << line << ")\n";
switch (error)
std::cerr << "ALC_INVALID_VALUE: an invalid value was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: a bad device was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: a bad context was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "ALC_INVALID_ENUM: an unknown enum value was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: an unknown enum value was passed to an OpenAL function";
std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ALC ERROR: " << error;
std::cerr << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
template<typename alcFunction, typename... Params>
auto alcCallImpl(const char* filename,
const std::uint_fast32_t line,
alcFunction function,
ALCdevice* device,
Params... params)
->typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, decltype(function(params...))>, bool>
return check_alc_errors(filename, line, device);
template<typename alcFunction, typename ReturnType, typename... Params>
auto alcCallImpl(const char* filename,
const std::uint_fast32_t line,
alcFunction function,
ReturnType& returnValue,
ALCdevice* device,
Params... params)
->typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<void, decltype(function(params...))>, bool>
returnValue = function(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
return check_alc_errors(filename, line, device);
std::int32_t convert_to_int(char* buffer, std::size_t len)
std::int32_t a = 0;
if (std::endian::native == std::endian::little)
std::memcpy(&a, buffer, len);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&a)[3 - i] = buffer[i];
return a;
bool load_wav_file_header(std::ifstream& file,
std::uint8_t& channels,
std::int32_t& sampleRate,
std::uint8_t& bitsPerSample,
ALsizei& size)
char buffer[4];
if (!file.is_open())
return false;
// the RIFF
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read RIFF" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "RIFF", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (header doesn't begin with RIFF)" << std::endl;
return false;
// the size of the file
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read size of file" << std::endl;
return false;
// the WAVE
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read WAVE" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "WAVE", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (header doesn't contain WAVE)" << std::endl;
return false;
// "fmt/0"
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read fmt/0" << std::endl;
return false;
// this is always 16, the size of the fmt data chunk
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read the 16" << std::endl;
return false;
// PCM should be 1?
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read PCM" << std::endl;
return false;
// the number of channels
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read number of channels" << std::endl;
return false;
channels = convert_to_int(buffer, 2);
// sample rate
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read sample rate" << std::endl;
return false;
sampleRate = convert_to_int(buffer, 4);
// (sampleRate * bitsPerSample * channels) / 8
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read (sampleRate * bitsPerSample * channels) / 8" << std::endl;
return false;
// ?? dafaq
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read dafaq" << std::endl;
return false;
// bitsPerSample
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read bits per sample" << std::endl;
return false;
bitsPerSample = convert_to_int(buffer, 2);
// data chunk header "data"
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read data chunk header" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "data", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (doesn't have 'data' tag)" << std::endl;
return false;
// size of data
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read data size" << std::endl;
return false;
size = convert_to_int(buffer, 4);
/* cannot be at the end of file */
if (file.eof())
std::cerr << "ERROR: reached EOF on the file" << std::endl;
return false;
if (
std::cerr << "ERROR: fail state set on the file" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
char* load_wav(const std::string& filename,
std::uint8_t& channels,
std::int32_t& sampleRate,
std::uint8_t& bitsPerSample,
ALsizei& size)
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::binary);
if (!in.is_open())
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not open \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
if (!load_wav_file_header(in, channels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, size))
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not load wav header of \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
char* data = new char[size];, size);
return data;
std::int32_t convert_to_int(char* buffer, std::size_t len)
std::int32_t a = 0;
if (std::endian::native == std::endian::little)
std::memcpy(&a, buffer, len);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
reinterpret_cast<char*>(&a)[3 - i] = buffer[i];
return a;
bool load_wav_file_header(std::ifstream& file,
std::uint8_t& channels,
std::int32_t& sampleRate,
std::uint8_t& bitsPerSample,
ALsizei& size)
char buffer[4];
if (!file.is_open())
return false;
// the RIFF
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read RIFF" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "RIFF", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (header doesn't begin with RIFF)" << std::endl;
return false;
// the size of the file
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read size of file" << std::endl;
return false;
// the WAVE
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read WAVE" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "WAVE", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (header doesn't contain WAVE)" << std::endl;
return false;
// "fmt/0"
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read fmt/0" << std::endl;
return false;
// this is always 16, the size of the fmt data chunk
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read the 16" << std::endl;
return false;
// PCM should be 1?
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read PCM" << std::endl;
return false;
// the number of channels
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read number of channels" << std::endl;
return false;
channels = convert_to_int(buffer, 2);
// sample rate
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read sample rate" << std::endl;
return false;
sampleRate = convert_to_int(buffer, 4);
// (sampleRate * bitsPerSample * channels) / 8
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read (sampleRate * bitsPerSample * channels) / 8" << std::endl;
return false;
// ?? dafaq
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read dafaq" << std::endl;
return false;
// bitsPerSample
if (!, 2))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read bits per sample" << std::endl;
return false;
bitsPerSample = convert_to_int(buffer, 2);
// data chunk header "data"
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read data chunk header" << std::endl;
return false;
if (std::strncmp(buffer, "data", 4) != 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR: file is not a valid WAVE file (doesn't have 'data' tag)" << std::endl;
return false;
// size of data
if (!, 4))
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not read data size" << std::endl;
return false;
size = convert_to_int(buffer, 4);
/* cannot be at the end of file */
if (file.eof())
std::cerr << "ERROR: reached EOF on the file" << std::endl;
return false;
if (
std::cerr << "ERROR: fail state set on the file" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
char* load_wav(const std::string& filename,
std::uint8_t& channels,
std::int32_t& sampleRate,
std::uint8_t& bitsPerSample,
ALsizei& size)
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::binary);
if (!in.is_open())
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not open \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
if (!load_wav_file_header(in, channels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, size))
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not load wav header of \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
char* data = new char[size];, size);
return data;
int main()
ALCdevice* openALDevice = alcOpenDevice(nullptr);
if (!openALDevice)
return 0;
ALCcontext* openALContext;
if (!alcCall(alcCreateContext, openALContext, openALDevice, openALDevice, nullptr) || !openALContext)
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not create audio context" << std::endl;
return 0;
ALCboolean contextMadeCurrent = false;
if (!alcCall(alcMakeContextCurrent, contextMadeCurrent, openALDevice, openALContext)
|| contextMadeCurrent != ALC_TRUE)
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not make audio context current" << std::endl;
return 0;
std::uint8_t channels;
std::int32_t sampleRate;
std::uint8_t bitsPerSample;
std::vector<char> soundData;
if (!load_wav("iamtheprotectorofthissystem.wav", channels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, soundData))
std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not load wav" << std::endl;
return 0;
ALuint buffer;
alCall(alGenBuffers, 1, &buffer);
ALenum format;
if (channels == 1 && bitsPerSample == 8)
format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8;
else if (channels == 1 && bitsPerSample == 16)
format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
else if (channels == 2 && bitsPerSample == 8)
else if (channels == 2 && bitsPerSample == 16)
format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
<< "ERROR: unrecognised wave format: "
<< channels << " channels, "
<< bitsPerSample << " bps" << std::endl;
return 0;
alCall(alBufferData, buffer, format,, soundData.size(), sampleRate);
soundData.clear(); // erase the sound in RAM
ALuint source;
alCall(alGenSources, 1, &source);
alCall(alSourcef, source, AL_PITCH, 1);
alCall(alSourcef, source, AL_GAIN, 1.0f);
alCall(alSource3f, source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0);
alCall(alSource3f, source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
alCall(alSourcei, source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
alCall(alSourcei, source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
alCall(alSourcePlay, source);
ALint state = AL_PLAYING;
while (state == AL_PLAYING)
alCall(alGetSourcei, source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
alCall(alDeleteSources, 1, &source);
alCall(alDeleteBuffers, 1, &buffer);
alcCall(alcMakeContextCurrent, contextMadeCurrent, openALDevice, nullptr);
alcCall(alcDestroyContext, openALDevice, openALContext);
ALCboolean closed;
alcCall(alcCloseDevice, closed, openALDevice, openALDevice);
return 0;
Code: Select all
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E0434 a reference of type "ALsizei &" (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type "std::vector<char, std::allocator<char>>" OpenAlTestCode C:\Users\mstar\source\repos\OpenAlTestCode\OpenAlTestCode\main.cpp 500
Error (active) E0304 no instance of overloaded function "alCallImpl" matches the argument list OpenAlTestCode C:\Users\mstar\source\repos\OpenAlTestCode\OpenAlTestCode\main.cpp 507
Error (active) E0304 no instance of overloaded function "alCallImpl" matches the argument list OpenAlTestCode C:\Users\mstar\source\repos\OpenAlTestCode\OpenAlTestCode\main.cpp 527
Error (active) E0304 no instance of overloaded function "alCallImpl" matches the argument list OpenAlTestCode C:\Users\mstar\source\repos\OpenAlTestCode\OpenAlTestCode\main.cpp 531
Error (active) E0304 no instance of overloaded function "alCallImpl" matches the argument list OpenAlTestCode C:\Users\mstar\source\repos\OpenAlTestCode\OpenAlTestCode\main.cpp 532