• New Forum

Hello everyone,

I've moved web hosts. I did this for a number of reasons, but my primary motivation was to get as much of my own stuff off Microsoft and Google as possible.

So I now host everything myself on a VPS. This includes using things like NextCloud in place of Google Docs and One Drive. I've ditched Windows completely and use Linux exclusively.

Anyway, because I have a VPS, I can also save a little money by hosting all my websites on the VPS rather than at namecheap (the old host). So I migrated. Unfortunately, I chose HestiaCP to manage webhosting for me (an almost replacement for CPanel). Currently, HestiaCP doesn't support PHPBB.

I probably could've installed PHPBB manually, but that would have caused me problems down the line with Hestia. But, this forum software, Flarum, seems pretty legit and easy to use. So that's what we have now.

Feel free to re-create your old game threads etc. Hopefully it's easier to manage russian bot traffic on this forum. Any questions, please ask. Any features needed, let me know.

11 days later

Nice! Linux is pretty good.

I need to get around to doing the same. Hosting my website with a hosting service is getting to be expensive.